From penicillin to gentamicin and amoxicillin, antibiotics have been saving the lives of many pets for decades. Before such discoveries were made, many dogs died from mere wounds that got infected or pneumonia and other related ailments. Ironically, while they are used to get the body back on track following an illness, antibiotics can turn around to destroy things in the body, including the intestines. Long-term use of antibiotics can increase the chances of being vulnerable to health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, and more.
Additionally, your pet can develop a resistance to the drugs if they keep taking them. On the bright side, we collated a lot of natural antibiotics for dogs you can use for your pooch with little or no side effects.
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Are natural antibiotics for dogs effective?
As aforementioned, constant use of antibiotics may cause the body to build up resistance and the drugs will become less effective. Additionally, taking antibiotics too often can cause the good bacteria in the body to die off because these medications are designed to fight and annihilate bacteria but sometimes, they don’t stop at killing the bad bacteria. Due to how strong antibiotics can be, taking probiotics after the antibiotics may prove futile in bringing the good bacteria back to life. For this reason, medical experts have become more reluctant to prescribe them if the situation is not serious enough.
To curb the negative effects that stem from taking antibiotics, natural measures have been discovered and they have effectively and gradually taken the place of antibiotics for years. Depending on the health issue your furry companion is battling, there are natural antibiotics for dogs that have been tested and confirmed to work. These natural ways can get your dog back on its feet in a short while, what’s more, you don’t need to worry about the side effects mentioned herein.
Some Natural Antibiotics To Give Your Dog
Forget over-the-counter medications, natural antibiotics for dogs will give your furry friend the desired relief with little to no risk of negative effects. Some of the ailments that plague our dogs can have you running around and trying a lot of medications to no avail and this can cost a lot of money. What is comforting in this regard is the fact that what you need to put a stop to the health challenge your dog is facing might just be lying in your kitchen cabinet.
Notably, while home remedies seem safe and cheap, it is always good to seek advice from a professional to know what is best for your dog. With that said, check out all the natural herbs and remedies to several ailments.

This is one of the members of the legume family and is widely used as livestock feed and manure. Additionally, alfalfa serves as an effective medicinal herb. The seeds or the leaves (dried) are used to bring relief to those suffering from arthritis, kidney problems, prostate issues, diabetes, bleeding disorders, allergies, and many more.
Aloe vera juice
That gooey, thick liquid you see inside the aloe vera plant leaf is filled with natural antibiotics that combat several health issues. Drinking some of this juice daily can manage and even cure digestive disorders, ulcers, and arthritis. The effect is also good for liver function, hydration, constipation, and many more.
Apple Cider Vinegar
While humans use apple cider vinegar for several health purposes, including detoxifying the body and boosting the immune system, dogs can also benefit from the antioxidants in fermented apple juice. Asides from adding ACV to your dog’s food and water, you can spray a diluted solution on a particular part of the coat to stop itchy skin or repel flea and tick. The dog’s ears can also be cleaned using cotton buds immersed in the ACV/water solution.
Black walnut

The outer covering of the nut from the black walnut tree is used to make medicine that has been found to be effective in fighting parasitic worm infections and fungal infections. You can use this as a natural dewormer for your pooch.
This is a herb that can be gotten from flowers of the Asteraceae plant family. Chamomile has served as a natural remedy for pain and inflammation in the intestines and stomach for decades and it’s safe to use on your dog.
Colloidal silver
This refers to minute particles of silver in liquid content and is a known ancient natural antibiotic. Colloidal silver is very effective in fighting pathogens, including viral, fungal, and bacterial. Even more interesting is the fact that no pathogen has succeeded in forming a resistance against it the way they do with antibiotics. It also works for rashes, minor cuts, and sores. The only downside of taking colloidal silver is the same as regular antibiotics, it reduces the probiotic bacteria in the body.
Corn silk

A natural corn fiber, corn silk is effective in the treatment of incontinence. It serves as a natural remedy to bladder infections, inflammation of the urinary system, as well as other inflammatory diseases.
The leaves and roots of the echinacea plant have been used as a medication for decades and they seem to be very effective in boosting the immune system which in turn helps fight infections. Sounds good if you are in the market for natural antibiotics for dogs.
For as long as we can remember, garlic has been used as a natural antibiotic by many and the results have been amazing. Garlic might be listed as one of the plants to avoid giving your dog but using it the right way will also help your pooch stay healthy. It is effective as a flea and tick repellent and also helps in the prevention of tumors, cholesterol build-up, and the formation of blood clots. Generally, garlic is antibiotic, antifungal, and antiparasitic.
Green tea
Made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds, green tea is a great antioxidant that improves your dog’s immune system.
Oregano oil
The healing powers of the oregano oil have been recognized far and wide by experts. The oil is packed with antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and cancer-suppressor agents. These properties fight harmful bacteria and any other pathogen that poses a threat to your dog.
Slippery elm

The inner bark of the slippery elm tree serves as medicine for diarrhea, constipation, sore throat, coughs, and urinary tract infections. Using it will also expel tapeworms from the digestive tract. You can give it to your dog orally, topically, or diffused but be sure to dilute it.
Manuka honey
With its origin traced to New Zealand, Manuka honey is not the regular honey you know. This natural antibiotic is derived from the nectar of the manuka tree and is packed with healthy doses of antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. These certified natural antibiotics for dogs can be used to heal wounds faster, soothe sore throats, improve the function of the digestive system and prevent tooth decay.
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Important Facts to Know About Natural Remedies For dogs
Using natural antibiotics for dogs is handy and cheap. It is comforting to know that everything you need to make your dog feel better is lying around in the house but before you tap into that idea, there are things you need to take note of.
Consult your vet
You need to tell your vet about your plans before executing them on your dog. Though herbs are natural, they can be harmful if used wrongly. Your dog’s underlying health condition, allergies, and body system make all the difference.
Use prepared herbs
Considering you are not an expert in the field, it might not be safe to go about mixing leaves and roots that might be contaminated with chemicals used in killing pests. Getting these home remedy products from a reliable health expert is better.
Keep a close eye on the pooch
To avoid unwanted effects from these herbs, watch your dog’s reaction to them and know the right amount to give at a time. Some herbs may not be good for a particular dog due to reasons like allergies. So, when you use herbs on your dog, monitor them for reactions.
Know the proper amount
Some herbs are good in small quantities and can be dangerous if taken in large quantities. Giving your dog too much at a time might breed more problems for you as you could end up courting another health condition to take care of.
Pregnant dogs
For your pregnant dog and its unborn puppies’ health, stop using herbs on them. Most of these herbs have not been researched enough to know the effect they will have on a pregnant dog. Thus, to be on the safe side, adhere to your vet’s advice at this time. If your vet says it’s safe then you can go ahead and use such natural antibiotics for dogs on your furball.