The World’s Ugliest Dog contest is the kind of competition that brings together all canines with abnormally large heads, hairless coats, and other oddities to compete for the first position. For the 2014 context, a 2-year-old mutt that goes by the name, Peanut beat others to claim the prize money totaling, $1,500. Peanut is a shelter rescue pup that stayed for nine long months before someone agreed to adopt it. However, today, it has become a celebrity dog thanks to its ugliness.
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Why is Peanut the world’s ugliest dog?
In the 2014 contest for the title of the World’s Ugliest Dog hosted at Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, Calif, the pup named Peanut bagged the award. The reason why the Chihuahua-Shih Tzu mix was able to beat other contestants is quite obvious. The two-year-old canine went through a botched plastic surgery which left it with a face comparable to a gremlin.
That is not all, Peanut’s teeth protrude in such a way that it is likened to that of a sea monster. One of the judges at the context just looked at the dog’s tail and likened it to a stick of lipstick.
In fact, the Chihuahua-Shih Tzu mix has the kind of face that can only be loved by a mother. According to the dog’s parent, Holly Chandler from Greenville, North Carolina, the pup may be healthy now but it has gone through a lot. In addition to being involved in a fire that greatly damaged its body, Peanut has also been subjected to severe animal abuse.
The fire left the canine with ugly spots all over its body, its lips are non-existent and the same can be said for the eyelids. In the absence of its eyelids Peanuts’s eyes can no longer close, thus, they are constantly watery. When it drains into the dog’s nose, the tears give rise to nice little snot bubbles. Holly who is quite cool with that says it only adds to her pooch’s character and is really great.
“He’s my baby,” Holly said. “ the pet parent also said she does not see Peanut as ugly but the judges obviously thought otherwise. Though it has been crowned The World’s Ugliest Dog, Peanut still has its energetic personality, wild hair, and that unforgettable smile.
Peanut at the competition for the World’s Ugliest Dog
The 26th edition of the World’s Ugliest Dog competition was organized and held in Petaluma, California, at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds. During the contest, pet parents are expected to register their dogs who are considered to be very ugly.
There is a panel of judges that will rate the presented pups on the grounds of such traits as personality, special or unusual attributes, and most importantly natural ugliness.
When a 26-year-old manufacturing engineer, Holly Chandler brought her pooch Peanut to the show, she never imagined the brownie wild hair, protruding teeth, and bulging eyes of the Chihuahua-Shitzu mix would win in all of the United States and carry the day.
With the context done and dusted, the pet parent, Holly is making plans to use her pooch in raising awareness about acts like animal abuse. Peanut she said will be used as a poster child for the campaign.
What is the second ugliest dog in the world?

The second position for the context of World’s Ugliest Dog went to Wild Thang – the pup is a Pekinese, sporting minor paralysis of the jaw. The three-year-old dog came from Los Angeles California and is a sufferer of distemper; this impacts the movement of its tongue and jaw.
Tostito – a Chihuahua that is completely devoid of teeth and has no lower jaw took third place.
The prize money for the World’s Ugliest Dog contest
At the end of the competition for the World’s Ugliest Dog, the winner is expected to take prize money of $1, 500, including a 4-foot trophy.
When Peanut’s parent, Holly was handed the grand prize, the construction engineer promised to leverage it in paying off the veterinary bill of other pets. Other ugly dogs have scooped the prize since then but Peanut remains outstanding in many ways.
What is the world’s ugliest dog breed?
Though several canine breeds have been trying to claim the label of Ugliest Dog, there is one particular breed that has been outstanding in producing what can be best described as the most unsightly canines. The Chinese Crested is the breed that has never failed in this regard. Since the inception of the context for the World’s Ugliest Dog in the 1970s, a purebred or a mix of Chinese Crested has emerged as winners at least 22 times.
The Chinese Crested dog is a miniature breed prone to bulgy eyes and mostly hairless. Though these features are far from a recipe for cuteness, the breed is loved by many. The American Kennel Club once described the small canine as a “frolicsome, ultra-affectionate companion dog.”