The canine population has always shown interest in the same kind of foods humans eat. Though some of these foods are considered safe for these furry fellows, there are quite a few that can lead to anything ranging from stomach upset to severe food poisoning and even death. Now, the question in this write-up is, can dogs eat cherries? While many fruits are good and healthy for pups, and cherries are known to contain a few beneficial nutrients, for the canines, they can cause more harm than good. Thus, they may not be worth the risk. More details are herein.
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Can Dogs Eat Cherries – Is it Safe for my Pooch to Eat These Sweet Fruits?
When a dog eats only the flesh of cherry fruit, it is very safe as the flesh is replete with fiber, vitamin C and A, as well as antioxidants which are good for the health. However, the one that portends danger is the pits, leaves, and stems of the cherry fruit as they contain cyanide. When ingested in substantial quantities, they become toxic to dogs. Though cyanide poisoning is not possible from consuming one cherry stem and pit, there is no need to expose your furbaby to such danger. Besides, intestinal obstruction can arise from ingesting the pits. Even the flesh that is seen as safe can still cause stomach upset in pups.
Are There Safe Cherries For Dogs?
Cherries have different types; they include the likes of rainier, bing, maraschino, and black. The maraschino cherries may not have pits, but they are still replete with sugar, which is not recommended for dogs. Even canned foods are not good for dogs as they have preservatives and sugar added to the content, and when a pup consumes the sugar in excess, the resultant effect may be obesity, diabetes, cavities, and digestive upset. As discussed earlier, dogs eat cherries provided the pits are removed before offering it to them; however, this may result in too much work when you consider the fact that the pup won’t even get enough of the flesh to derive some benefits.
All in all, cherries are good for you but not to give your pooch. So, no matter the type of cherry you are eating, there is no point in giving some to your dog as the effect is not usually a pleasant one.
Can Cherries Kill Dogs? This is what happens when a Dog Eats Cherries
The cyanide content of cherries is toxic and can lead to poisoning if large quantities are consumed by a dog. The dog may be able to survive the food poisoning, but the risk is too high. Therefore, pet parents are advised to go for those alternatives to cherries that can provide their dogs with similar health benefits. Even the common intestinal obstruction that occurs when dogs eat cherries can become a severe problem as it may cause other nasty complications.
Brutally put, eating a few cherries with the pits can be fatal to your dog. The poison they unleash in the pooch’s system is enough to kill it if nothing is done immediately.
What to Do if Your Dog Gulps Down a Whole Cherry
If it were to be a case of one cherry or two, then, much damage is not expected; however, pet parents should be vigilant when their dogs eat cherries, they need to be mindful of cyanide poisoning, and strictly observe their pets for symptoms. The risk will only become higher if the dog managed to consume a substantial quantity of the sweet fruit.
Below are some of the symptoms to watch out for when you suspect cyanide poisoning
- Breathing difficulty
- Bright and red gums
- The pupils will appear dilapidated
- Shock can occur in more severe cases.
- Diarrhea and an upset stomach may also occur.
When any of these symptoms are observed, a vet should be brought in immediately, even if it is not food poisoning. If the vet gets to the dog on time, he or she may decide that inducing vomiting is the best course of action. This is in a bid to prevent or halt cyanide toxicity.
The gastrointestinal obstruction that occurs from eating a few pits in cherries comes with the following symptoms
- Reduced appetite
- Constipation
- Vomiting
The next 24 hours after dogs eat cherries are crucial, dog owners need to keep their pups under close observation and should contact the vet immediately if they observe signs of gastrointestinal blockage.
What to Feed Your Dog and What To Avoid

Even if you must feed cherries to your dog, they have to be de-pitted with the stems and leaves completely removed. However, we have a plethora of other fruits that don’t portent the same risk as cherries. These fruits won’t even require people to start going through the extra hassles of getting rid of the pits. For instance, you can offer your four-legged friend some apples without the seeds and core; this is also replete with vitamins and fiber.
Plenty of antioxidants can be gotten from blueberries, which are also safe for our canine companions. Besides, mangoes can be given, but they need to be de-pitted first, or you can serve plain bananas, or mix them with peanut butter before serving – this gives the dog a good quantity of potassium, which is one of the minerals required for vital bodily functions. Important to note that these fruits must be thoroughly washed before offering them to your dog.
Even with these fruits considered safe and nutritious, we must remember that they contain sugar, which may cause stomach upset for your pooch. This makes them unsuitable for every dog except those that can tolerate them. Besides, they should never be offered in large quantities, but still, they are safer and better options than cherries. This is especially true when you consider their health benefits when administered properly. With that said, we shouldn’t just decide to start giving our dogs these fruits; a vet needs to be consulted for proper counsel on the possible benefits and consequences.
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Beware of cherry-flavored foods as many of them are replete with chemicals, artificial flavoring, and sugar. These foods are not ideal for the canine digestive system. Even those foods that are believed to be naturally flavored using real cherries often contain plenty of sugar.
Your best option as a dog adopter is to stick to those real foods with familiar ingredients; these are considered safe. You can also go the extra mile by consulting a vet or an animal nutritionist to aid you in choosing the right food for your fur buddy.
But of course, pet owners can decide to stick to those traditional dog treats. Your furbaby will probably find them as tasty and exciting as any fresh fruit.